In 2022, Fnac Darty launched its very own CFA (centre de formation d’apprentis — apprentice training center) with a view to hosting and training future domestic appliance repair experts all over France.

Our CFA hosts and trains professionals with a diverse range of profiles and career paths. The objective is to teach them skills aligned with requirements in the field and the features and innovations of the domestic appliance sector.
On completion of the one-year training course, trainees receive either a TSEC diploma (Technicien Services de l’Électroménager Connecté — Connected appliances service technician) or a RC3E diploma (Réparateur conseil d’équipements électriques et électroniques – Repair specialist for electrical and electronic equipment), both level 4 certifications in the RNCP (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles — French list of professional certifications). They are also offered a permanent position by the Group (subject to having validated their period in the company).

In 2023, our Group introduced a brand new fast-track training course for the role of Domestic Appliance and Multimedia Repair Technician. Aimed at candidates who already possess technical maintenance experience in any sector, this six month immersive program offers a solution that enables the Group to recruit repairers in the short and medium term.
The Fnac Darty CFA is Qualiopi certified in the following category: training activities.

TSEC training
The TSEC (Technicien Services de l’Électroménager Connecté — Connected appliances service technician) performs installation, diagnosis and maintenance of domestic appliances and audiovisual equipment. They mostly work in our customers’ homes, traveling in their service vehicle, but also perform some workshop activities. They provide technological monitoring of the technical environment in which they operate.
Key figures for 2024
*The professional integration rate covers the following occupations:
- Appliance technician
- Service technician
- Home help desk
- GEM Technician
RC3E Training
RC3E (Réparateur conseil d’équipements électriques et électroniques – Repair specialist for electrical and electronic equipment) training combines the roles of technician/consultant with the repair of electrical and electronic equipment.
Key figures for 2024
*The professional integration rate covers the following occupations:
- Appliance technician
- Service technician
- Home help desk
- GEM Technician

CQP TREM Training
The Household Appliance and Multimedia Repair Technician installs and sets up the product, performs diagnostics, proposes and executes a solution. They can also handle customer relations as part of an after-sales service intervention on a household appliance.