2021 Prix Goncourt des Lycéens Awarded to Clara Dupont-Monod
Winner of the 2021 Prix Goncourt des Lycéens
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Products and Innovation
Fnac Darty Rolls Out Its Video Sales Advice Service Nationally to Deliver In-Store Quality Sales Advice Remotely
An innovative service that provides customers with a more human and personalized digital purchasing experience, and gives them access to advice from Fnac and Darty experts from the comfort of their own home.
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Educated choice and sustainable consumption
Fnac’s New Recommendations Website Uncovers the Best of Entertainment and Technology
Découvertes culturelles, tests d’innovations technologiques, événements en live streaming, expertise, conseils indépendants : toutes les forces qui définissent la Fnac au sein d’un seul site internet
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