Human capital
How can we respond to the many challenges and changes in an extremely competitive sector while preserving what is our main asset: our 30,000 employees?
As a responsible employer, Fnac Darty invests and innovates to develop its organizational methods, provide its employees with a motivating work environment and support the development of their expertise, while also ensuring professional equality and guaranteeing their health and safety.
Some key figures at the end
of 2023
Two strategic objectives
By 2025
Developing skills and employability
An Academy serving the strategic plan
The Fnac Darty Academy develops and offers multi-format, tailor-made programs, in direct contact with the operational teams. In addition to allowing great agility, the internalization of training allows us to capitalize on the expertise and experience of the two brands, and to meet needs as closely as possible.

Expertise of salespeople: a priority for the strategic plan
Enabling customers to make an educated choice depends largely on the recognized expertise of Fnac Darty’s salespeople. The Group is rolling out an individualized development path over five years, from integration to expertise, in the areas of customer relations and product knowledge.

Developing skills in specialized professions and anticipating the needs of tomorrow
In order to bolster the rapid development of its repair services, the Fnac Darty Academy has set up several systems dedicated to training after-sales service technicians and launched its own dedicated Apprentice Training Center (CFA) in 2022.
In 2023, the Fnac Darty Academy ran 27 classes with 236 technicians, 116 of whom have already been hired on permanent contracts. This pathway will continue in the coming years in order to hire 500 additional technicians by 2025 and cope with the higher numbers of home interventions (+8% in 2023 vs. 2022) and repairs.
For kitchen designers, Fnac Darty has also rolled out training courses provided by Académie Cuisine with two pathways (novice and experienced) for a total of 298 employees trained in 2023.
Promoting professional equality and quality of life at work
Breaking the glass ceiling
With approximately 38% women comprising the total workforce, but with only 33% of these women in leadership positions, Fnac Darty is strongly committed to strengthening its action to achieve greater gender diversity, particularly in hierarchical positions. In order to achieve this, an internal network dedicated to equality, “ExAequo”, was created in 2021, with a view to supporting women in leadership through training and awareness-raising for all managers. It had 260 members, both men and women, at the end of 2024.
Fnac Darty publishes its gender equality index, in accordance with the French “professional future” law 2018-771 of September 5, 2018. In 2024, the Group’s consolidated index reached 92 out of 100.

Promoting the recruitment of people with disabilities
Created in 2021 and made up of representatives in the field, the Disabilities Unit enables new solutions to be found to accelerate the recruitment of people with disabilities.
In particular, Fnac Darty has set up two work-study classes dedicated to people with disabilities and recruits hard-of-hearing people, particularly in stores.
Ensuring a respectful and inclusive environment for LGBT+ individuals
In September 2022, Fnac Darty joined the 200 other companies, associations and local authorities who have signed the LGBT+ charter, a charter of commitment for the inclusion of LGBT+ individuals led by the L’Autre Cercle association.
Signing the StOpE charter against sexism in the workplace
As part of its commitment to fight everyday sexism in the workplace, in 2023 Fnac Darty joined the #StOpE (Stop au sexisme ordinaire en entreprise — Stop everyday sexism in the workplace) initiative coordinated by the AFMD (Association Française des Managers de la Diversité — French Association of Diversity Management), in order to improve the quality of life of its employees and combat this phenomenon.
In this sense, the Group rolls out best practice and specific actions on a daily basis within the brands, such as information on sexist behavior, training on best practice to combat everyday sexism, circulating training tools, implementing sanctions for reprehensible behavior, etc.
Rolling out the senior plan through diverse measures
Fnac Darty has introduced intensive support for its older employees. The plan is based on a review with HR managers, priority processing of requests for training or electric bikes, and contributing to their Personal Training Account (Compte personnel de formation — CPF), in order to support professional reflection and projects in the second half of their career. Skill transfer through tutoring and mentoring programs for new employees is also key. The transition to retirement of relevant employees is taken into account through collective and individual retirement workshops or via a preventive medical check-up.