
30 books shortlisted for the Prix du Roman Fnac 2024

Join Fnac on September 5 when the finalists of the twenty-third annual Prix du Roman Fnac (Fnac literary awards) will be revealed. There are 30 authors in the running to succeed Jean-Baptiste Andrea, 2023’s winner for his novel Veiller sur elle (Watching Over Her) published by Éditions de l’Iconoclaste.

Once again, Fnac takes up the mantle of setting literary trends, true to its mission of making culture accessible to all. A known and respected prize, the Prix du Roman Fnac is presided over by a jury comprising 400 booksellers and 400 Fnac members. The jury had the opportunity to read advance copies of several hundred of the novels that would shape the 2024 literary season. After each reading, they reviewed and rated the books independently. These “reading sheets” were carefully compiled and used by the final judging panel to select the 30 works that would comprise the Fnac selection for this literary season, and thus the competitors in the Prix du Roman Fnac 2024.

Read on to discover the full list of Fnac picks this year:

Le harem du roi (The King’s Harem) by Djaïli Amadou Amal – ÉDITIONS EMMANUELLE COLLAS
Les merveilles (Great Wonder) by Viola Ardone, translated into French by Laura Brignon – ALBIN MICHEL
L’œil de la perdrix (The Partridge Eye) by Christian Astolfi – LE BRUIT DU MONDE
Le rêve du jaguar (Dream of the Jaguar) by Miguel Bonnefoy – RIVAGES
Le syndrome de l’Orangerie (Musée de l’Orangerie Syndrome) by Grégoire Bouillier – FLAMMARION
Jour de ressac (Backwash Day) by Maylis De Kerangal – VERTICALES
Tout brûler (Burn Everything), Lucile De Pesloüan – ÉDITIONS LA VILLE BRÛLE
Le crématorium froid – Au pays d’Auschwitz (Cold Crematorium) by József Debreczeni, translated into French by Clara Royer – STOCK
Terres Promises (Promised Lands) by Bénédicte Dupré La Tour – LES ÉDITIONS DU PANSEUR
Au soir d’Alexandrie (Evening in Alexandria) by Alaa El Aswany, translated into French by Gilles Gauthier – ACTES SUD
Jacaranda by Gaël Faye – GRASSET
L’Invisible Madame Orwell (Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible Life) by Anna Funder, translated into French by Carine Chichereau – ÉDITIONS HÉLOÏSE D’ORMESSON
L’épaisseur de l’aube (The Density of Dawn) by Nicolas Garma-Berman – BELFOND
Cousines (Cousins) by Patricia Grace, translated into French by Jean Anderson and Marie-Laure Vuaille-Barcan – AU VENT DES ÎLES
Danse avec tes chaînes (Dance with Your Chains) by Anaëlle Jonah – FAYARD
Pages volées (Stolen Pages) by Alexandra Koszelyk – AUX FORGES DE VULCAIN
Les stripteaseuses ont toujours besoin de conseils juridiques (Strippers Still Need Legal Advice) by Iain Levison, translated into French by Emmanuelle and Philippe Aronson – LIANA LEVI
Si peu (So Little) by Marco Lodoli, translated into French by Louise Boudonnat – P.O.L. Fragile/s (Fragile) by Nicolas Martin – AU DIABLE VAUVERT
Dors ton sommeil de brute (Sleep Your Brutish Sleep) by Carole Martinez – ÉDITIONS GALLIMARD
Seule restait la forêt (North Woods) by Daniel Mason, translated into French by Claire-Marie Clévy – BUCHET-CHASTEL
Les Égarés (The Unsettled) by Ayana Mathis, translated into French by François Happe – ÉDITIONS GALLMEISTER
Alors c’est bien (That’s Alright Then) by Clémentine Mélois – ÉDITIONS GALLIMARD
Badjens by Delphine Minoui – SEUIL
Les Éphémères (Mayflies) by Andrew O’Hagan, translated into French by Céline Schwaller – ÉDITIONS MÉTAILIÉ
Les Hommes manquent de courage (Men Lack Courage) by Mathieu Palain – L’ICONOCLASTE
Traverser les montagnes, et venir naître ici (Cross the Mountains and Come Be Born Here) by Marie Pavlenko – ÉDITIONS LES ESCALES
La Petite Bonne (The Maid) by Bérénice Pichat – LES AVRILS
Medusa by Isabelle Sorente – JEAN CLAUDE LATTÈS
Les âmes féroces (The Fierce Souls) by Marie Vingtras – ÉDITIONS DE L’OLIVIER